We have a large garden and a dedicated vegetable plot that I fill every year. However, this is a cold garden and often I make rather a late start in the spring. The vegetable plot is a long way from the house and the soil is poor and dry. Salad crops often struggle to germinate; when they do slugs and pigeons often get their first. When we do get a decent crop it is a long way from the house to go and pick it, especially if I just want a handful of herbs. Carrots and beetroot are always a disaster. We do reasonably well with potatoes, although the few that I grow in pots and bags near the house are always more appealing. We usually manage a good crop of runner beans, climbing French beans and courgettes. Last summer I decided that I wasn’t really going to improve on my vegetables unless I installed raised beds, so that is on the agenda for this winter. The intentions are good but there is always something else on the agenda.
For me the answer is VegTrug; a medium one down on the vegetable plot, where I can grow salad leaves, baby carrots, French beans and parsley (we use loads of it). This gets over the problem of the soil and gives me a controlled environment where I can get going early in the season. I can fill it with a properly formulated growing medium and I can control feeding and watering. I can protect my crop and keep it well out of the way of slugs and snails that invade the site from the hedge. Best of all I can keep it clean and easy to pick, which will certainly make it more appealing for both of us.
I would also like a small VegTrug down by the house, just outside the conservatory, alongside the barbecue. I usually manage a few herbs in pots around the terrace, and I have sage and rosemary to hand in the flower borders. However it would be great to have somewhere to grow rocket, spicy salad leaves, thyme, more parsley and maybe a few cherry tomatoes near the house. Here I can keep an eye on them and they will be to hand when we cook outdoors, which we do all year round but just about every day in the summer. With a cover this VegTrug could get me started in early spring and I might even get a decent crop of basil outdoors when the weather is warmer.
I bet those of you with small gardens, balconies or just courtyards are thinking, “Well, it’s alright for him”. But, VegTrug is perfect for you. Providing you have an outdoor space which gets a reasonable amount of direct sunshine, VegTrug enables you to grow your own vegetables, herbs and fruit. What could make a better gift for anyone interested in growing than this handy piece of kit that will give years of pleasure as well as producing valuable crops? http://www.hillieronline.co.uk/products/seasonal-offers/vegtrug-small.html
A VegTrug, made with quality timber from sustainable sources can be an attractive feature in your garden, courtyard or on your balcony. Add a few edible flowers alongside the vegetables and it can bring colour as well as crops close to the house. You could also add a few marigolds to help keep those flying insect pests at bay. Use it all year round, either with a cover for winter or by planting with hardy herbs for the colder months. Close to the house, where you eat or cook there is no more impressive way of serving your fresh produce directly from the garden to the plate.
A VegTrug makes your produce easily accessible; no more bending to gather crops. The growing space is at the right height to work on whether you are standing or sitting down. This makes it ideal for the less able gardener and it is perfect for anyone in a wheelchair.
A VegTrug comes flat packed and is easy to assemble; to help you there’s a great little video on their website http://vegtrug.com/support/videos/. The Vegtrug comes with a fitted purpose made fabric liner to separate the compost from the timber; this is replaceable if necessary after a couple of seasons.
Writing this as I am just before Christmas I can’t think of any better gift for anyone interested in growing their own vegetables. A Vegtrug makes a great family present too: growing your own food is a great way to get the kids involved in gardening. It’s also so much nicer to have a forward looking gift, rather than one that will be forgotten about as soon as the holidays are over; a VegTrug is not just for Christmas.
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If by any chance you don’t get given one then why not treat yourself to a VegTrug at the beginning of the season? I’m going to be setting up my Vegtrugs in a few weeks time and I’ll be advising you on compost, sowing, protecting and growing your VegTrug crops. I hope we’ll get a lot more gardeners growing their own this season and I want to hear how you get on.
Buy VegTrug now: http://www.hillieronline.co.uk/products/seasonal-offers/page-1.html
To learn more about VegTrug, what to grow, and to find out about the accessories available for VegTrug visit the website: http://vegtrug.com/