We love gardening on Pinterest because it's beginning to act as a catalyst for some great garden ideas. After all gardening is a very visual activity (amongst other things). And when we're not actually out getting our hands dirty (usually because it's raining), we armchair garden. We look for garden ideas from other sources - probably like a lot of you do in your respective armchairs in different corners of the world. Our shelves are packed with the best gardening books, but increasingly alongside our gardening libraries, we use the internet for inspiration. The MyGardenSchool facebook page we use to chat to our friends and likeminded gardeners all over the world, and the MyGardenSchool twitter account helps us connect with many of you and keep track of events, new websites and industry news across the globe. But it's Pinterest really does get our creative gardening juices flowing. Visit MyGardenSchool's profile on Pinterest.
I think it's because it's so visual. And even the way the boards are put together can give you an idea of someone's gardening taste and style. With this in mind we'd like to share with you some of our MyGardenSchool Pinterest boards and greatest finds. We spend time on Pinterest sourcing gardening and garden design photography each day, as there is so much talent on there. But as with everything - we strive to improve continuously. Please help us by posting on the MyGardenSchool blog comments section below, your favourite Pinterest boards, and in the same way we did a ranking and awards for the best gardening websites a couple of years ago - we will collate (with your input) a list of the greatest gardening and garden design Pinterest boards. Here's some gardening inspiration from our own most popular gardening on Pinterest boards.
Follow MyGardenSchool's board Spring is Here! on Pinterest. Follow MyGardenSchool's board Garden Lighting on Pinterest. Follow MyGardenSchool's board Garden Accessories on Pinterest. Follow MyGardenSchool's board #Planting Design - MyGardenSchool Tutor Hilary Thomas on Pinterest. Follow MyGardenSchool's board Garden Design & Landscape Architecture on Pinterest. Follow MyGardenSchool's board Container Gardening on Pinterest.
Follow MyGardenSchool's board Vintage Flowers on Pinterest.
Follow MyGardenSchool's board The Edible Garden Made Easy. (Tutor: Alex Mitchell) on Pinterest.