Most articles you see about cats in gardens – are something along the lines of ‘how do I stop the neighbours’ cats coming in my garden?’
The answer is simple, the best form of defence is attack - invest in your own furry friend and the neighbours cats will never bother you again! So if you do have a cat, a lovely idea is to plant an area for it to have as its own. Giving your cat its own space in the garden– will also keep them off your veg patch and flower beds, and any precious plants won’t get broken down. I would put your cat garden in an area that’s not too visible, in a semi sunny spot as they like to lie in amongst the plants and snooze in the afternoon sun. In fact why not design the perfect room in your garden especially for your furry friends.
Fill it with catty luxuries, like Catnip (Nepeta cataria). Catnip will grow to between 9 and 12 inches tall, and has small sweet lavender like flowers. Not all cats seem to go wild for cat nip. But most will find it very pleasurable. So it’s a must for your little feline.
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