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Just Eat Organic

Just Eat Organic

Stonyfield Farm, a US organic yogurt company, produced this quirky rap video to get people eating organic. We quite like it. And it tells an important story. (thanks Stephanie Donaldson - Tutor of The MyGardenSchool Organic Garden Course, for sharing this with us).

Hirshberg’s “Just Eat Organic” rap video tells the story of America’s switch from family farms to modern agriculture, which let “Big Agriculture” profit while consumers got addicted to convenient foods that are bad for their health. As Hirshberg raps, “Cancer rates are steadily rising, in kids and moms and dads. A baby born in Birmingham, Boise, Bend or Boston, now has in her cord blood almost 300 toxins. The U.S. Cancer Panel Study makes me ill at ease ’cause 41 percent of us will get this disease. Cut out unnecessary chemicals is what they prescribe. So to avoid getting sick, just change the stuff you imbibe!”
“The Stonyfield Moms,” three employee volunteers, rap the upbeat chorus, “So if you love your body, love your children and you love your planet, there is hope for the future, so there’s no need to panic. The solution is a simple one. It’s easy to understand it. To protect your family, body and earth… just eat organic!”
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