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Prince Harry's Garden at Chelsea Flower Show - Sentebale

Prince Harry's Garden at Chelsea Flower Show - Sentebale

Prince Harry has just arrived at the Chelsea Flower Show, and in some respects his garden reflects some emerging themes of the show.

Bold, rich colours and plenty of red... however not in the planting.

It's the bright African clothes worn by his singers which are the eye catching colours. The planting however has more subdued tones. Surrounded by a flurry of beautiful singing African ladies, Prince Harry sauntered down past the main show gardens to present his show garden inspired by the Mamohato Children’s Centre, in Lesotho. The garden is sponsored by the David Brownlow Charitable Foundation and designed by Matt Keightley of Rosebank Landscaping. Sentebale want to use it to raise awareness of its work providing healthcare and education to Lesotho’s child victims of poverty and HIV/AIDs.

It's the bright African clothes worn by his singers which are the eye catching colours. The planting however has more subdued tones.

Surrounded by a flurry of beautiful singing African ladies, Prince Harry sauntered down past the main show gardens to present his show garden inspired by the Mamohato Children’s Centre, in Lesotho.

The garden is sponsored by the David Brownlow Charitable Foundation and designed by Matt Keightley of Rosebank Landscaping.

Sentebale want to use it to raise awareness of its work providing healthcare and education to Lesotho’s child victims of poverty and HIV/AIDs.

Plant list Zone A Agave filifera var.schidingera Anemalanthele lessoniana Carex buchananii Dasylirion wheelerii Euphorbia Characias subsp wulfenii Festuca glauca 'elijah blue' Festuca glauca 'hogar' Helictotichon sempervirens Kniphofia northiae Molina arundinacea 'transparent' Rosmiranus officinalis 'miss jessop's upright' Sempervivum Stipa gigantea Stipa tenuissima Teucrium fruticans Trifolium repens Additions: Aloe Erysimum cheiri 'Fire King' Euphorbia ‘clarice Howard’ Euphorbia ‘copton ash’ Papaver – aculeatum Salix rosmarinifolia Sesleria nitida Seslaria heuffleriana Iris germanica Red Zinger Kniphofia caulescens Lupinus – red rum Lupinus - Chandelier Zone B Acanthus mollis Acanthus mollis latifolius group Achillia 'burgundy glow' Amsonia hubrichtii arkansas 'blue star' Aquilegia 'kristall' Aquilegia chrysantha 'yellow queen' Aquiligia vulgaris 'nivea' Arum italicum Briza media Erica x darleyensis 'furzey' Euphorbia 'martini' Euphorbia amygdaloides 'purpurea' Euphorbia palustris spurge Foeniculum vulgare 'purpureum' Heuchera 'purple palace' Lotus corniculatus (Birdsfoot Trefoil) Lupinus 'persian slipper' Melica altissima 'alba' Molina caerulia Myosistis arvensis (forget me not) Nectaroscordum siculum Paeonia 'buckeye belle' Papaver 'royal wedding' Papaver rhoeas 'bridal white' Ranunculus 'aviv white' Ranunculus 'purple heart' Salvia officianalis 'pururascens' Sempervivum Salvia nemerosa 'caradonna' Syringa pubescenes subs Microphhylla 'superba' Viburnum Burkwoodii (MS) Additions: Ajuga reptans Cornus florida Euphorbia Mellifera Pittosporum Tobira nanum Teucrium fruticans Cirsium rivulare 'Atropurpureum' Artemisia ludoviciana 'Valerie Finnis' Dianthus carthusianorum Nepeta ‘six hills giant’ Thymus Veronica – Shirley blue Pastinaca sativa (Parsnip) Oilseed rape Apium graviolens var.Dulce (Celery) Daucus carota (wild carrot) Cynara cardunclus var. scolymus Zone C Acanthus mollis Agapanthus 'africanus' Agapanthus 'peter pan' Anemone sylvestris Aquilegia vulgaris columbine Asplenium scolopendrium Begonia 'baby doll' Briza media Brunnera macrophylla 'jack frost' Convalaria majalis Cyperus papyrus Digitalis lutea Digitalis parviflora Epimedium grandiflorum 'lilafee' Epimedium x perralchium 'frohnleiten' Epimedium x younginanum 'niveum' Fothergilla 'blue shadow' Geranium 'johnson blue' Gunnera 'manicata' Hakonechloa macra Iris germanica 'black swan' Iris sibirica Perry's Blue Luzula nivea Pachysandra terminalis Phlomis russeliana Polygonatum x hybridum Tiarella 'spring symphony' Vinca minor 'la grave' Zantedeschia Extra: Phlomis tuberose Liriope Tradscantia Azorella trifurcata Sagina subulata Polystichum setiferum Blechnum spicant Blechnum chilense Hosta big daddy Hosta - Halcyon Iris chrysographes black form

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