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Top 10 Garden Magazines

Top 10 Garden Magazines

Gardening magazines offer monthly garden inspiration. They tell us about new plants, garden design ideas, and gardening techniques. While gardening books are like old friends, garden magazines offer endless new gardening possibilities.

A personal favourite feature of gardening magazines is that some of them also contribute to weekly dinner ideas, fun crafts and games that can occupy the children and innovative ways I can spruce up my home with things I'm growing in the garden. Offering that lifestyle feature is something I really enjoy. Plus you can rip out the pages and keep all your favourites safe.

Here is our selection of the top gardening magazines, shared in no particular order.


Each month The Garden contains a mouth-watering selection of exciting features to interest all RHS members, whatever their gardening interest.

The Garden also brings you all the latest news and developments from the RHS, such as shows, trials and other research activities, developments in the four RHS gardens and other aspects of the charitable work of the RHS.

Country Gardens

We like this particular magazine because it features real gardeners with different interests and different gardening challenges. We also like the planting diagrams and the way it incorporates garden crafts.

The magazine has grown in size from the 32 pages of the first issue, and has proved a particular favourite with gardeners and garden clubs across the region.

The English Garden

This magazine is a wonderful mix of meticulously cared for private gardens and articles about what's new. Our favourite feature is at the end of each garden profile when the owners share their knowledge and tips.

Whether you lust after the look of an English garden or just want to hear from some of the most enthusiastic gardens out there, each issue is a treasure.

Country Living

Modern design ideas that retain the natural country feel are offered in Country Living. Enjoy tips on gardening, recipes and do-it-yourself craft ideas.

Country Living is a home & gardening magazine that knows how embracing a rural lifestyle is less about where we live and more about how we live. This American lifestyle magazine covers everything from decorating ideas and crafts, to gardening tips and cooking.

Find joy in the simple things that make life away from the hustle and bustle of the city so beautiful.

Fine Gardening

If you only read one gardening magazine, Fine Gardening would be up there. For gardening enthusiasts of all skill levels, from horticultural experts and landscape professionals, to the homeowner who wants to brighten their world with plants.

They just seem to know what's important at the moment and it's the same with every issue. There are regional departments and the writers come from all over and all aspects of gardening, hence why they seem to have it covered from beginning to end.

Garden Design

The gardens showcased in Garden Design magazine are always innovative and often cutting edge. The photos alone make this magazine worth it. But the details about what's new, both in plants and in design, make it a good reason to keep back issues (or tear out the pages).

Garden Gate Magazine

Garden Gate has no advertisements, just lots of colorful pages of gardening how-to and tips. They have regular features like Before & After, Design Challenge, Container Recipe and Weed Watch. Garden Gate always offers something new to learn, while providing plenty of eye candy.


Horticulture magazine cuts to the chase. Their articles are informative and educational with a touch of inspiration to get you to do the right thing by your plants.

While Horticulture has the pretty pictures required of a gardening magazine, their mission is to teach the serious gardener how to be even better.

Gardens Illustrated

Another great British gardening magazine that is available in the U.S. and Canada. For insights into the world's most inspiring gardens, irresistible plants and advice from leading designers and garden makers.

They follow the year at various British estate gardens, including Christopher Lloyd's Great Dixter, and offer great tips for an assortment of gardening styles.

The Plant

Besides providing botanical contents in a simple, personal and cozy way; The Plant offers plant lovers a new look at greenery by featuring the works of many creative people who share our love for plants.

As a curious observer of ordinary plants and other greenery, the magazine presents a monograph on a specific plant; bringing together photographers, illustrators, designers, musicians, writers and visual artists, both established and emerging, from all over the world.

These people share with The Plant their unique experiences and perceptions of plants.

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