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Top tips to kickstart your learning in 2018

Top tips to kickstart your learning in 2018

Each new year gives us an opportunity to make some positive changes in life. So how will you make a commitment to bring in changes for 2018?

For many of us, professional growth is high on the list; have you considered studying a course to boost your career and get ahead of the competition? Taking on another qualification may seem daunting at first, but it’s an achievement which will be with you throughout your life.

How about taking on a new hobby? Are you guilty of not giving yourself time to grow, learn and do something thats personal and just for you? With flexible online learning you’re able to study at your own pace, and with courses being broken down into levels, modules, units and lessons, you’ll be ticking off goals, whether professional or personal, over the weeks and months. 

So what can learning really do for you? Here are our top tips to kickstart your learning in 2018 and how they can have a positive and immediate impact on your life – both in and out of the workplace:

Employers value online study

Distance learners are often more committed and motivated. Devoting time to your development shows extra commitment, dedication, and a will to succeed – and makes you an even more valuable asset to potential employers. 

Continuous development

As you’ll be gaining transferable skills right from the start, you’ll be able to reinforce the learnings from your course in a real life setting. Students often tell us that they feel more confident having embarked on a new online qualification. They have made new relationships with people online, given advice to another classmate, asked for assistance from their tutors, the list goes on. This is all continuous development. 

Networking opportunities

People often say it’s not only what you know, but also who you know. With online distance learning you have the opportunity to interact with students from all walks of life, professions and on a global level. This offers you the chance to broaden your horizons, share insight and learn from students all over the world.

Access to new opportunities

Our online learning courses provide you with new and exciting opportunities to make potential career relationships, find a new passion, connect with worldwide known tutors. When you complete a course you also receive a certificate which you can use in conjunction to job applications, CVs and provides you with an upper hand.

Earning potential

Let’s face it, when it comes to professional development, earning potential is for the majority of us a priority. Some students wish to study for personal development, but if your thinking of transferring your skills in to a profession the questions of earning potential usually come in to play. By doing an online course this usually gives you something extra, the icing on top of the cake. Employers recognise this and in most cases, reward it. Some students of our also do our courses to then set up their own business which can be a huge, successful earning and career development opportunity. 

Don’t be afraid to jump ship

Remember you don't fit in to just one box, the possibilities are endless. You may have been in the same career now for 10-40 years and have always considered trying something different but never had the courage to do so. A plus of online learning is that you can still maintain both. 

Put yourself first

Have you always been umming and ahhing about whether or not you should give something ago? Will it be worthwhile, I don't have enough time, what if I don't like it? If this sounds like you then its time to put yourself first. Yes you may have a full time career and a family to look after but at some point or another you need to do something for you. Let 2018 be your year. Learn to compromise your everyday hours and make time for yourself. Whatever you choose to do in this time is up to you but were pretty certain it'll feel pretty damn good whatever it may be. 

Listen to your peers

A lot of people who start an online learning course are afraid to admit how clueless they really are or seek for help. Our tutors have a lot to contribute and many classmates may be in the exact same position as you. We welcome students from 55 countries around the world so your bound to not be the only one feeling a little puzzled. If you’re willing to listen to them, you could learn from their experience and gain some inside knowledge. 

Supporting your classmates and listening to their advise could also have a big pay-off. A lot of students waste time dealing with setbacks and self-doubt. If you are receptive to their advise and also give them encouragement, you can thrive in an encouraging, happy environment. 

Think outside the box

Many of us get bogged down in our day to day life, stuck in the routine of work which, results to us never trying something new. Try to keep an eye out for side projects and outside activities that you may end up really enjoying. It's never too late and your never to old to try something new. And you may just surprise yourself and actually enjoy it!

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