What to buy at the Chelsea Flower Show 2015
#1 A Chelsea Flower Show Kitch Brolly
#2 Mossy and Petal Lampshades
And only slightly further down you can find these rather fabulous lampshades. What's not to like about a mossy or petal covered lamp. It's actually good to see some more avant guard interior design pieces appearing at the show - this year is definitely one to pick up something unusual for your house as well as your garden.
#3 Seeds
If nothing else, you can't leave the show without picking up a packet of seeds. With all those show gardens for inspiration - you simply have to walk away with a handful of hopeful beauties. Whether you're a hardy veg grower or a cutting garden creative - this selection genuinely has some of the best grade seeds available. I always think buying seeds is a bit like the famous Revlon secret of selling makeup. As Charles Revson, the founder of Revlon Cosmetics once said “In the factory, we make cosmetics, in the store, we sell hope.” We all plant seeds in the hope that one day our gardens will one day live up to the fantasy world of the show gardens.
#4 A lamp
There are several beautiful lamp sellers at The Chelsea Flower Show 2015. Both indoor and out. The one we spotted first was Jim Lawrence Lighting and Home. Again another interior designer feel contributing to make the show feel more respectable and less blingy this year. (though don't worry - there's plenty of bling to buy too).
#5 Garden Brocante
I've never been entirely sure what Garden Brocante is. But looking at the selection - these carefully chosen pieces look like a cross between stylish bric a brac and architectural antiques. If you're looking for a high quality vintage garden item (watering cans, bird baths, and pots) with a nice amount of verdigris on it. Then you've found paradise.
#6 Pots and Iron
There are pots and there are pots as all keen gardeners know. Not all pots are born equal. Carefully selected for colour, texture, quality and style - these pots are top of the tree if you like cottagey paraphernalia. You can also pick up a whole array of lantern holders or small tables/chairs at Potting Up Ltd. They are based in the Cotswolds but their website is good.
#7 A Bird Bath
#8 Boots Boots Boots
#9 Labels
A place for everything and everything in it's place. Why not have consistency in your labels.
#10 Fruit Sculpture