Lay turf. Clear up your untidy, mossy, and patchy lawn. Transform a dull tired area of your garden into a lush, green paradise. The Perfect Lawn Course
Plan your planting scheme. With ever changing climates, you might want to plant drought tolerant plants and conserve water (although in the UK we've had an incredibly wet winter, conditions can change very rapidly). These plants are all drought tolerant as long as you settle them in and let them become established. This means you won't need to spend too much time and energy looking after them and you will save water too. Achillea, Agapanthus, Alchemilla, Anthemis, Artemisia, Buddleja, Centaurea, Centranthus, Cistus, Convolvulus cneorum, Cordyline, Crocosmia, Cynara, Echinops, Elymus magellanicus, Eryngium, Euphorbia, Festuca, Gaillardia, Geranium, Knautia, Kniphofia, Koeleria glaucaLavandula, Miscanthus, Oenothera, Olea, Pennisetum, Perovskia, Phlomis, Phormium, Rosmarinis, Scabiosa, Sedum, Sisyrinchium striatum, Spartium junceum, Stachys, Stipa, Tanacetum vulgare, Trachycarpus fortunei. Check out our Planting Design Course
Consider Planting Trees and Shrubs. For a really beautiful garden you need structure. Don’t just go to the garden centre and fill up with flowers. You should think about where to plant your flowering trees, fruit trees, and beautiful shrubs for scent and all round interest. Courses on Using Shrubs in Garden Design and Choosing Using and Planting Trees
What to do with your Roses: Prune rose bushes without delay, if not done, as it is already almost too late. Spray roses against rose blackspot disease if they are not resistant varieties, and transplant shrub roses. For more on Growing Roses learn from David Austin.
In the vegetable garden. Get weeding! Save yourself a lot of time for the rest of the year if you do it now. You can also plant the following veg.
Things to Sow (this of course depends on where you are in the world – for more on your area ask our tutors during the courses): For a UK climate: Beetroot, Peas, Broad Beans, Broccoli, Brussels Sprouts, Cabbage, Cauliflower , Kale, Chard, Kohl Rabi, Leeks, Spinach, Beet spinach, Rocket, Lettuce, Radish
Grow Your Own Vegetable Courses