How to grow Lavender and more..
I don’t know about you but I just love lavender. I love those grey and blue shades in the garden, I love the smell of foliage and flowers, and I often burn lavender oil when I’m writing. I find that fragrance wonderfully calming, relaxing, reassuring and almost nostalgic. It’s as if I’ve just opened a chest of drawers as a child, or taken a peak in my mother’s desk. Having said that I usually add a few drops of lavender oil to my shaving oil; it’s a great start to the day.
All photographs © Lavenderfields
Tim and Anne Butler grow lavender at Harley Park Farm in the heart of the Hampshire countryside. Their wonderful lavender oil contributes its incredible fragrance to cosmetics, chocolate, cookies, honey and a host of fabulous products. They know everything there is to know about growing, drying and using lavender, so I was delighted when Anne agreed to join me as a gust on my blog and share some fragrant secrets.
How did you and Tim get into growing lavender Anne, and how long have you been hooked?
A fellow hop grower introduced us to a lavender grower who wanted to sell her ongoing business We have had the business for 14 years but growing here for 12 years.
What do you consider to be the secrets of growing the best lavender?
Well drained soil plenty of sunshine
Which varieties of lavender would you recommend to the gardener and why?
Hidcote for best all rounder
Imperial gem foe that amazing blue
Grosso for perfume bees and butterflies
Thumberlina lee small compact ideal pot plant
We’ve probably all cut and dried lavender, and may have made lavender bags. What else can you do with dried lavender?
Confetti ,pot pourri, wheat bags,fantastic for cooking cakes ,puddings even with your roast lamb (just place a sprig of fresh lavender under your joint of meat)
What are the best uses for lavender oil?
Lavender oil can be put straight on the skin and is known for its healing properties and therefore is ideal for burns,stings ,and
Cuts.Keeps those little visitors away from cats and dogs
Great Soporific value so ideal to help you sleep
I know the oils smell different; which is your favourite?
The Lavendins aroma is my favorite fresh and strong
Tims of course is lavender the grassy intense smell
Why do you think the fragrance of lavender is so enduring?
Brings back memories for all ,and popular for all ages
So are you into gardening in the broader sense?
Yes we are keen we grow all our own veg and open our garden for the public
For open days and the cream tea season
Do you get lots of visitors to the farm?
Yes we have a shop open all year with plants gifts and body products. Cream teas and visits in the summer
Talks ,and advice all year round come and visit
Lavenderfields also have a great online shop supplying the very essence of Hampshire lavender – click here to take a look!