The garden represents Brewin Dolphin’s heritage alongside their flexible approach to business in the financial and wider world. The garden is filled with mature English Elms (good to see them back!) and familiar hedgerow plants evoking a shared memory of the British Countryside and a cultural heritage. This, coupled with the use of traditional materials, is intended to reflect Brewin Dolphin’s place within the financial market as a long established and highly respected business working with clients over generations.

Having received a RHS Silver-Gilt medal for his 2013 Show Garden for SeeAbility Darren Hawkes got the Chelsea bug and has been developing this idea over the past two years.
He has worked in the industry for nearly twenty years, cutting his teeth as a landscape gardener before turning freelance designer. Having worked in London for 10 years he moved to Cornwall and established Wheelbarrow, a high end design and landscaping business. This grew quickly prompting a second business, Darren Hawkes Landscapes devoted to design only projects.
Contractors for the Brewin Dolphin Garden 2015 are Bowles and Wyer, and the plants were supplied by Kelways.
To construct the garden a team of five people cut over 40,000 pieces of slate by hand, which were then stuck a piece at a time to form the surfaces of the floating platforms. The platforms and vertical monoliths are also strongly suggestive of both 1930’s architecture, prehistoric dolmans and quoits. The light is interesting in this design, and you can follow the sunlight which passes through the hole in the high platform as it works its way across the planting beneath. If the sun shines bright enough, at noon, a well beneath the platform will be lit up from this beam of light.
Plant list
Magnolia kobus multi stem
Ulmus minor
Corylus avellana
Quercus Robur
Viburnum carlesii
Viburnum carlcephalum
Euphorbia pasturii
Euphorbia mellifra
Euphorbia amygdaloides var. Robbiae
Geranium phaeum
Geranuium phaeum 'album'
Geranium Pratense
Gillenia Trifoliata
Hedera helix 'Ivalace'
Iris Sib. Perry's Blue
Juncus effusus
Lamium maculatum 'white nancy'
Macleaya kewensis "Kelways Coral Plume'
Matteuccia struthiopteris
Mathiasella bupluroides green dream
Melittis messophyllum
Nectoscordum siculum
Pimpinella major 'Rosea'
Polygonatum ororatum
Salvia x sylvestris 'Mainacht'
Sesleria greenlee's hybrid
Silene latifolia
Silene dioica
Acanthus Spinosa
Alium Ursinum
Galium odoratum poss backup
Angelica sylvestris
Anthriscus sylvestris
Anthriscus sylvestris
Aquilegea vulgaris
Aruncus dioicus
Anthriscus sylvestris
Aquilegia vulgaris 'Nivea'
Aquilegea vulgaris
Aruncus dioicus
Asplenium scolpendrium
Asplenium tricomanes
Aspenium Tricomanes
Astrantia 'Buckland'
Athyrium felix-femina
Blechnum spicant
Brunnera m. Mr Morse
Camassia leitchini
Centranthus ruber
Centaurea montana 'Black Sprite'
Centranthus ruber 'Albus'
Cerinthe major Purpurescens
Consolida regalis' Blue Cloud'
Convalaria majalis
Deschampsia cespitosa
Dicentra formosa 'Aurora'
Digitalis Purpurea
Dryopteris Wallaciana
Erigeron Karvinskianus
Euphorbia 'Blue haze'
Euphorbia cyparissias 'Fens Ruby'
Euphorbia 'Goldener Turm