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THE Plant of The Chelsea Flower Show this Year - Anthriscus sylvestris 'Raven's Wing'

THE Plant of The Chelsea Flower Show this Year - Anthriscus sylvestris 'Raven's Wing'


Each Year at the Chelsea Flower Show there seems to be 'The' Plant that is used in the garden designs. This year is no exception - and Anthriscus sylvestris 'Raven's Wing' gets the accolade. Perhaps because the gardens are trending towards more of a natural look and feel, this natural looking Chervil, gives you that wild look, with some sophistacation with it's almost black leaves.

It's striking, and makes a good-sized clump of very attractive, filigree leaves which are a dramatic purpley-black colour. Great for highlighting nearby plants. In late Spring or early Summer, flowering stems to 3’ tall appear, bearing small white flowers in umbels. You can cut these stems back to maintain the foliage-only look, or let them self-sow for new plants. 1’ to 2’ tall by 1’ spread. Full sun to light shade with regular water and rich soil. Too much shade results in green leaves. Reseeds, and dark seedlings may be easily move or potted on. Deciduous. To 2'tall and as wide.

A purple-black foliage cow parsley grown mostly for its stunning foliage – the display of umbels of white delicate flowers is a bonus. Variable in height dependant on conditions: 2-4 ft. Best out of afternoon blasty sun. Self sows. Frost hardy in USDA zone 8.

To name but a few of the major Chelsea Flower Show Gardens Using Anthriscus sylvestris 'Raven's Wing'

*A Celebration of Caravanning
*The Daily Telegraph Garden
*Quiet Time - DMZ Forbidden Garden
*A Rural Muse
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