The RHS is in the process of updating its qualifications.
This is normal practice for any awarding organisation and ensures that qualifications remain relevant, accurate and up-to-date.
The RHS are working with employers, training providers and learners to ensure that they continue to offer interesting and relevant qualifications that provide high-quality gardening skills and knowledge, and prepare learners for employment in the current horticultural industry.
The RHS expects approved providers will start providing the new qualifications from September 2022.
The RHS appreciate learners may have concerns about starting qualifications now so the RHS can confirm that no existing learner will be disadvantaged by the introduction of the new qualifications and will be able to achieve the qualification on which they have originally enrolled.
With regards to the current Qualifications review, there will be transitional arrangements put in place, designed to allow candidates to mix old and new Qualifications - in a specific way - to achieve the overarching Qualifications for which they originally enrolled.
How will you be impacted by the change of the RHS Level 2 Qualification?The review of RHS Qualifications may have an impact on whether you wish to begin your study now or wait until the release of the new Qualifications.
Your decision of which will be based on if you wish to specifically study the current syllabus and acquire specific Qualifications (for example, there is currently a Level 2 Diploma available, but candidates who study the new Qualifications only will not be eligible for a Level 2 Diploma).
Whilst the RHS submissions have not yet been signed off by the regulator, it is our expectation that the new Qualifications will be delivered from September 2022.
At this time, the current Theory Plant Growth and the current Practical (at both Levels 2 and 3) will cease delivery, replaced by the new offerings.
Theory Garden Planning is expected to continue for a further year (2022-2023), because there is no replacement for the Garden Planning modules within the new submissions, whilst the new Practical and new Theory certificates are similar to the current Practical and current Theory Plant Growth.
Allowing the Garden Planning course to continue for an additional year means that candidates already enrolled on the current Qualifications prior to the new Qualifications being released should have adequate time to complete it and subsequently be able to acquire the current overarching certificate that they originally enrolled for.
Under RHS submitted proposals, the two main things to bear in mind are:1.Candidates wishing to achieve the overarching certificates listed below must complete the current Level 2 or Level 3 Certificate in the Principles of Garden Planning (Theory) before this Certificate ceases delivery, as there is no replacement for this certificate within the new Qualifications’ design:
RHS Level 2 Certificate in the Principles of Horticulture (an overarching Theory certificate, awarded to candidates who complete both of the current Theory Qualifications at Level 2 only; Plant Growth, and Garden Planning)
RHS Level 2 Diploma in the Principles and Practices of Horticulture. Candidates who study the new Level 2 Qualifications only will not be eligible for a Diploma at Level 2.
RHS Level 3 Diploma in the Principles and Practices of Horticulture. Candidates who study the new Level 3 Qualifications only are still eligible to achieve a new Level 3 Diploma, but the syllabus content studied for the current Level 3 Diploma will be different to the syllabus content studied for the new Level 3 Diploma.
2.In order to achieve the overarching Certificates as listed above, candidates must have successfully completed all required elements by July 2024; this is when the transition period (allowing candidates to mix old and new Qualifications to achieve the overarching Certificates) will end.
Whilst the transition period itself will end in July 2024, it is important to note that candidates should plan to complete their exams for the current Theory Qualifications of Plant Growth and Garden Planning by the June 2023 sitting, with a possible further exam session for Resits in February 2024.
New learners enrolling during the academic year 2022/23 with the aim to achieve the current Diplomas or the current combined Level 2 theory qualification (Level 2 Certificate in the Principles of Horticulture) are likely to encounter challenges completing all elements before the transitional period end-date of July 2024.
The updated transitional arrangement documents have been published on our website, and describe in more detail the options available to candidates who have already begun their study with the current Qualifications - please see the link below:
To sum up: