If you're approaching winter, it's still not too late to plant bulbs! The garden centres would have us believe that bulbs need to be done and dusted by the end of October. Not so. You can continue planting right up to the new year.
I've planted hundreds of bulbs already - but had a last minute bulb panic that I hadn't done enough last weekend! So I popped to the garden centre - and nothing! Of course it's all Christmas trees, pansies and heathers now. But actually I still wanted to order some bulbs - so checked out my usual online haunts. Again - they've all moved on. Ah-ha - apart that is from eBay! Good old eBay - I managed to order my last minute panic 400 Queen of the Nights tulips, and they arrived this morning! I shall be popping them into their chosen locations tomorrow morning, and let's see how they perform compared to the rest of my bulbs.
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