Taught by Val Edge

Val Edge Fitness

Level: Peer

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Level: Peer

Course overview

This course is a little different from many of our courses at Learning with Experts. It’s brought to you following the global Covid outbreak, to help unite a community of ladies in the north of England, who needed to keep in touch with one another, and their amazing exercise instructor, Val Edge. Val came to us via her son John Edge (a Massachusetts’s Institute of Technology Fellow) and her daughter Karen (a physiotherapist), and in collaboration with Oxford University Innovation.

During these 10 lessons you’ll get to meet people, and do gentle stretches along to music, taught by Val, and get to know the community as it reaches beyond the boundaries of Blackburn.

Join Val and her ladies, in Val’s living room. You’ll feel just like you’re doing your exercise class in your village hall, and can join in wherever you are in the world.

If you’re looking for a like-minded community of people who are keen to try and keep their energy levels up, would like to take part in some gentle exercise, but don’t want to be doing it by yourself, join Val and her students to help keep your spirits up wherever you are in the world.

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Lesson summary

Introduction and get moving
In this first lesson you’ll get moving to gentle music and meet your class
Moving and meeting
Time to get moving. It’s all about getting to know each other and keeping yourself happy and healthy.
Getting to know the class
Now’s the time you should be feeling proud of yourself – keep going doing your stretches, and make an effort to reach out to others in your class.
You’re on The Journey
Now you’ve got this far, you might be feeling a little fitter and brighter.
We’re in this together
Don’t forget, we’re all in this together. More of Val’s moves to keep your spirits up.
Stretching further
Why not challenge yourself this week to do a little more? Just for fun.
Keeping together
Have a check into class this week – ask your classmates how they’re feeling. Make a special effort this week to reach out.
Keep fit
Maybe you’re beginning to feel the effects this week. Please share with us how you’re doing.
Get active
If you’re struggling to get started today, just think about how much better you’ll feel afterwards! Let’s keep each other motivated.
It’s just the beginning
It’s not the end – it’s the beginning. Let’s keep going now.

Get the most from peer knowledge

  • Start course whenever you like
  • Practise what you learn with your peers
  • Online classroom with up to 20 classmates
  • Lessons with videos & notes
  • Course assignments
  • Group chat & direct message classmates
  • Lifetime access to videos, notes & classroom
Portrait of Val Edge

meet the expert

Val Edge

Fitness teacher shares her passion for movement and community, inspiring others for over 40 years.

Read more

Why choose Learning with Experts?

Start whenever it suits you, and immerse yourself in motivational lesson tutorials with expert guidance.
Enhance your learning and personal growth with lesson assignments. Each course includes an optional assignment at the end of every lesson.
Drop a friendly message or respond to your assignment feedback. Our world-class experts are just a click away, ready to help you!
Stay informed about your own progress and those of your peers, and take joy in celebrating achievements along the way.
Chat and share ideas with passionate communities of learners from around the world.

Frequently asked questions

What’s the difference between PEER and EXPERT options?

At Peer and Expert level, you get access to the same core content and features:

  • Video lesson tutorials led by your expert tutor
  • Downloadable lesson notes
  • Option to practise what you learn with lesson assignments
  • Group learning within an online interactive classroom of up to 20 classmates
  • Lifetime access to videos, notes and classroom

If you choose Expert level, you get all of the above plus the following:

  • Personalised assignment feedback and coaching from your expert tutor
  • Opportunity to interact with your expert tutor through a private messaging system
  • Certificate of completion.
What is an online classroom?

Our online classroom has been developed to allow you to learn from our experts in a sociable environment alongside up to 20 other students. After each video tutorial led by your expert, you will be encouraged to practice what you have learned with optional assignments - these can be seen by the other students in your class, who are free to share their own thoughts and questions with you.

You will be encouraged to take part in an ongoing class discussion where you can discuss ideas, post images or work, and comment on each other’s assignments. It’s a great way to learn from other like-minded people who share your passion from all over the world.

This means not only do you benefit from people who are outstanding in their field, but also from a close-knit group of like-minded people whom you can learn alongside. Group learning has shown to greatly improve not just the experience of studying, but also how well you retain the knowledge, and we have built our classroom experience around this fact.

When can I start my course and how long will it take?

You can start your course any time within 12 months after receipt of your purchase confirmation email. Once you start, you’ll have lifetime access — meaning you can revisit the lesson videos and notes whenever you want.

Our courses are designed so that you can study at your own pace, some prefer to binge learn while others like to spread their studying over a longer period of time - it’s completely up to you. To give you a rough time frame, each lesson video is approximately 30-40 minutes long, and we recommend that you spend around an hour on each assignment.

Support and full FAQs

If you need any help with a course, be it one you’ve started already, or one you are looking to purchase, please don’t hesitate to reach out to our Support email address, or view the full FAQ’s here.

You can also use the orange speech bubble on your page to start a conversation with us.

For privacy or data questions, please contact us here.

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