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River Cottage Reunited

Discover all the recipes from our latest TV series and get inspired with exciting projects such as natural beekeeping, fermenting original drinks, and growing your own veg.

Foraging to Rewilding (via Birds' nests and Rhubarb fumble)

In our final episode we'll be catching up with plenty of familar River Cottage faces and making the most of our seasonal harvests.We'll look at how to support nesting birds in your garden, and how wild beavers can help to prevent our homes from flooding.We'll also be visiting the River Cottage chickens to make one of my favourite egg salads, foraging for wild pakora ingredients with John Wright and cooking outside with Gill Meller. And we'll even make the River Cottage pigs a delicious ice lolly!And there'll be some River Cottage favourite recipes too - including a simple smoked cream, a tupperware chorizo and a River Cottage classic - rhubarb fumble.
PROJECT Help nesting birdsPROJECT Help nesting birds
PROJECTHelp nesting birds
PROJECT Forage for ingredients for Hugh’s wild pakorasPROJECT Forage for ingredients for Hugh’s wild pakoras
PROJECTForage for ingredients for Hugh’s wild pakoras
RECIPE Wild pakoras with water mint raita RECIPE Wild pakoras with water mint raita
RECIPEWild pakoras with water mint raita
PROJECT Learn how beavers can help prevent our homes from floodingPROJECT Learn how beavers can help prevent our homes from flooding
PROJECTLearn how beavers can help prevent our homes from flooding
RECIPE Rhubarb fumbleRECIPE Rhubarb fumble
RECIPERhubarb fumble
RECIPE Strawberry kombucha ice lollies (and a quirky veg scrap variation for our pigs)RECIPE Strawberry kombucha ice lollies (and a quirky veg scrap variation for our pigs)
RECIPEStrawberry kombucha ice lollies (and a quirky veg scrap variation for our pigs)
RECIPE Broad beans on toastRECIPE Broad beans on toast
RECIPEBroad beans on toast
RECIPE Tupperware chorizoRECIPE Tupperware chorizo
RECIPETupperware chorizo
RECIPE Gill’s fire-roasted vegRECIPE Gill’s fire-roasted veg
RECIPEGill’s fire-roasted veg
RECIPE Gelf’s quick pickled veg stalks RECIPE Gelf’s quick pickled veg stalks
RECIPEGelf’s quick pickled veg stalks
RECIPE Val’s smoked cream with seasonal greensRECIPE Val’s smoked cream with seasonal greens
RECIPEVal’s smoked cream with seasonal greens
RECIPE Hugh’s summer garden egg saladRECIPE Hugh’s summer garden egg salad
RECIPEHugh’s summer garden egg salad
COLLECTION OF 12 ONLINE COURSES The River Cottage Cooking DiplomaCOLLECTION OF 12 ONLINE COURSES The River Cottage Cooking Diploma
COLLECTION OF 12 ONLINE COURSESThe River Cottage Cooking DiplomaTaught by Hugh Fearnley-Whittingstall and the River Cottage team